History of dice

How many people have paid attention to the dice itself, the nonentity going from hand to hand and which did not mostly bring what  was hoped for? Just a few, perhaps. Much more important were always the game board and pieces, the score and naturally the stake.

What did this gaming attribute look like, during 500 years od dice civilization, what kind of markings figured on the faces and if it was a question of pips, how were they placed with regard to each other? Was it always a question of dots, what were these little objects made of and what kinds of games were played with them?  When starting to probe deeper into the subject dice, you have to find answers to the following questions:

  • When were dice first used ?
  • Where do they initially come from ?
  • Is it possible to find out who was the inventor ?

Maybe you can find the answers in the book "Discovering Dice and Dominos" by Briton R.C. Bell or the book "Face to Face with Dice" from the dutch dice collector Leo van der Heijdt.